Welcome to St Paul's UMC
Teaching, sharing and witnessing the love of Christ in our neighborhood and to the world.
About Us
Here at St Paul's, we have a simple hope: to see people come to know Jesus Christ
and grow in their Christian faith.
Pray Often
Take a Few Minutes to Prayer for Others in Need.
People in your community are going without food each day!
A Blessing Box in our parking lot near the church's east entrance is there for anyone needing food items. The blessing box is stocked twice daily by St Paul's members. Community members may also place non-perishable items at any time. Non-perishable items for the Blessing Box may be donated at the church during office business hours, on Sunday mornings or directly into the Blessing Box at anytime.
Sack Lunches
and Blessing Box
Your help is needed.
Approximately 60 sack lunches (a.k.a. Brown Bag) are distributed each week. Each sack lunch costs $2.50 each with 100% of all monies donated are used to purchase the products for the lunches. Donations are received either at the church office or in the collection plate during worship.
We believe in the God, the 3-1, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We believe in God’s grace through Jesus Christ as available to all who seek it. We believe the most important teachings of Jesus are to love God and love one another.
Join Us for Worship
Join us Sundays at 10:45 am as we share God's story of love and mercy with you.
St Paul's mission is to Teach, Share, and Witness the Love of Jesus Christ. We do this first by Loving God, then by loving and serving others in our community through our local and global mission projects. This ranges from feeding the hungry right here in our backyard to sending our support to missions all over the world.
We partner with a local Elementary School providing winter clothing, shoes, school supplies, meals for teachers during conferences and other special school events. We support and provide meals for the HumanKind homeless overflow shelters during the month of November. In 2022, we pioneered a reading readiness program for children in the neighborhood.
Our goal is to reach out to our community with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Email us today at stpauls@stpaulsumcwichita.org to find out more about how you can help with local and global missions.
A Journey Through Scripture in 365 Days
The Bible Year small groups challenge individuals to read the Bible – all of it! Then we meet together to discuss the previous week’s readings. Tuesday’s group meets at 9 am and is reading the entire Bible in one year. Thursday’s group meets every other Thursday and is reading the Bible in 2 years. You are welcome to join either of these groups!
Sunday School
and other Small Groups
Sunday School classes are available for all ages from pre-K through 5th grade, Jr/Sr High School, faithify (young adults) and adult classes. There are other small groups including the United Methodist Men, United Methodist Women, choir, bell choir and quilting.